Business Seekster ต่อยอดความสำเร็จ เข้าถึงผู้ใช้ผ่าน LINE MINI App Platform Startup ไทยปล่อยของใน LINE ScaleUp Demo Day พร้อมดัน LINE Mini App บริการใหม่ยกแอปฯ ให้เข้าถึงผู้ใช้ใน LINE Platform
Line Seekster is Proud To Be a Part of LINE ScaleUp Program 2019 LINE aims to empower Thai startups by offering them unparalleled access to technology and a global footprint to scale. It also helps Thai startups to expand outside of Thailand and gain international funding.
Line Now Users Can Book Seekster's Services Through LINE Application. Thailand's one of the biggest brand for B2B and B2C services is now available to book through LINE. No need to install extra applications or shift between apps to book your favourite brand's